Wednesday, 20 June 2012

HSS activity 4 – Geography 1. The Earth Summit was a conference held by United Nations in Rio de Janeiro from 3 June to 14 June 1992. 2. Green Cross International Organization. 3. 3 June to 14 June 1992. 4. Rio de Janeiro was the location of the first Earth summit. 5. In 2012, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development will be held in Rio, and is also commonly called Rio+20 or Rio Earth Summit 2012. It will be on the June 20th to the June 22nd. 6. The purpose of Earth Summit is to symbolize a change in the way we see the environment and development. It is also focused on attaining sustainable development. 7. The most important decisions created by the Earth Summit were the following: Framework Convention on Climate Change and Convention on Biological Diversity and Forest Management and Agenda 21. 8. It is very necessary as we need to look for ways to look after our earth and use resources in a sustainable way, if not we would run out of resources and then there would be fighting and war. 9. After the Earth Summit in Rio, there has been an effort to bring in sustainable development by governments, international organizations, local authorities, business, citizen groups and individuals. Agenda 21 is a powerful long-term goal for balancing economic and social needs with the capacity of the earth’s resources and ecosystems. 10. Sustainable development is connected to the Earth Summit because to keep resources on earth without them running out, we need to use them in a way that the will not run out so the earth still has resources for its own natural needs, like trees give oxygen during the day and water is the most important resource, so if we use resources in a sustainable way, it will be better for our world.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

African Nationalism and Pan-Africanism

1.       African Nationalism- African Nationalism was a movement across Africa to fight against colonialism and demand independence.

2.        African Unity/African Union – 1963

African National Congress – 1912

National Congress of West Africa – 1920

3.       Pan-Africanism is a movement for to create co-operation amongst Africans.

4.       Pan-Africanism is a movement for co-operation and African Nationalism was a movement for independence.

5.       Kwame Nkrumah - An important 20th-century believer of Pan-Africanism, Kwame Nkrumah was a founding member of the Organization of African Unity and won the Lenin Peace Prize in 1963.

Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe - was a South African political dissenter, who started the Pan Africanist Congress in disapproval to the apartheid government. In 2004 Sobukwe was voted 42nd in the SABC3's Great South Africans.

6.         The song says that an African was sold as a slave to America, where he lived. The Rastafarian religion believes in Africans “returning to their roots” in Africa. The song is a call for African Americans to ‘come back home’ to Africa. It is the idea of African unity and freedom from non-African oppression that is showed in this song. Bob Marley explains the leaving of America, a place of non-African oppression (African Nationalism), and the returning to a unity in Africa (Pan-Africanism).

Monday, 27 February 2012

Activity on the holocaust

1.       The holocaust was a time when Jews were killed and made suffered by the Nazis and were killed (a genocide).

2.       Because they were seen a threat there race, and they were seen as a lower class to Germans. And they wanted a race with the perfect german with certain features.

3.       They would capture all of the Jews they could and transport them to concentration camps is Poland, and from there transport them to death camps, gas chambers or just shoot them.

4.       The world tried to liberate the prisoners in the concentration camps and then support them after the war.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Nazi Germany Timeline and Questions

Question 1

Nazi Germany Timeline
Question 2
So that only people of German blood can have high levels of positions
and are able to vote

Question 3
. According to the Nazi’s an Aryan race was a perfect child with blond hair blue eyes and born from a German mother and father, with no birth deformities.
Question 4

Question 5
The Nazi party got there ideologies to the people through inspirational
 speeches and posters.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

SDI Podcast review

The SDI Special Development Inactive (SDI) is a program that was implemented in 1995, for the development of economic activity and subsequently the infrastructure necessary for their success, in a series of 10 under developed corridors in South Africa. These corridors have anker projects such as substantial transport links or big coal mining industry that attract investment, and around each other economic activities start to grow. There is a close interaction between the state and private enterprise, for example at kouga and portnet.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Rural development project (Film review)

The aim of this project is to teach the people in the rural areas how to build bricks. By learning how to build bricks they will be able to build houses for shelter. And by building houses that is one need that they can cross of their list. By teaching them instead of just doing it for them they are not only giving them pride in their buildings, but now the can sell the bricks for money and maybe even get a job in making bricks. Now they can pass this knowledge down from generation to generation so that shelter may not be an issue anymore.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Hss home work on development

1) Development is the rise in Infrastructure and economic growth in a particular area.

2) HDI (Human Development Index); Life Expectancy; Infant Mortality rate; % of children reciving secondary education.

3) Developed                                                                           Non-Developed

 High Average Income (GNI)                                                  Low Average Income (GNI)

 Long Life Expectancy (+70 years)                                         Short Life Expectancy (40-60 years)

 Low Infant Mortality Rate (-10)                                             High Infant Mortality Rate (+40)

 % of Children Receiving Secondary Education (+70%)          % of Children Reciving  Secondary Education (-30%)

 No. of Cellular or Fixed-Line Phones PP (+50%)                  No. of Cellular or Fixed-Line Phones PP (-20%)

4) LEDC stands for "Less Economicly Developed Country" and MEDC stands for "More Economicly Devoloped Countrys".

5)1) There is no direct coilition between the 2 Figures

    2) The one figure is based on the development of medical infestructure in the country asswell as cultural/social standards, while the other is based on mainly the wealth of a country vs. the working population.

    3) Zambia, Swaziland, Mozambique, Lesotho and Angola have a high rate of infant mortality because of lack of medical infestructure and low African cultural standards of sexual intercoarse, resulting in the spread of many STD's, including mainly HIV/AIDS, one of the top agents resulting in death of humans.

    4) Subsistence farming is farming on a low-scale production, only intended to feed the workers that grew the crops, mostly by plowed, planted and harvested by hand.

    5)In order for subsistence farming to develop, it would have to be classified as commercal farming because the farmers must produce more crops than for just themselves, and then use the surplus to sell for cash, which can then be used for purchase of other items the farmers would have net have been able to make themselves.

6) Sustainable Development is Development fulled by something that will never run out or fail, which means that the area will continue to develop for at least 100 years before reasorses run out and depression sets in.

7)  a) End Extreme Poverty and Hunger

      b) Give Primary Education to all Children.

 c) Promote Equality between Men and Women, and to Empower Women in turn.

 d) Reduce Child Mortality

 e) Improve the health of Pregnant Mothers

 f) Fight major diseases, in particular HIV/AIDS and Malaria, the world’s most deadly disease.

 g) Insure a sustainable Environment

 h) Promote partnerships between governments, businesses and organizations to promote Development.

Thursday, 19 January 2012