Thursday, 26 January 2012

Rural development project (Film review)

The aim of this project is to teach the people in the rural areas how to build bricks. By learning how to build bricks they will be able to build houses for shelter. And by building houses that is one need that they can cross of their list. By teaching them instead of just doing it for them they are not only giving them pride in their buildings, but now the can sell the bricks for money and maybe even get a job in making bricks. Now they can pass this knowledge down from generation to generation so that shelter may not be an issue anymore.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Hss home work on development

1) Development is the rise in Infrastructure and economic growth in a particular area.

2) HDI (Human Development Index); Life Expectancy; Infant Mortality rate; % of children reciving secondary education.

3) Developed                                                                           Non-Developed

 High Average Income (GNI)                                                  Low Average Income (GNI)

 Long Life Expectancy (+70 years)                                         Short Life Expectancy (40-60 years)

 Low Infant Mortality Rate (-10)                                             High Infant Mortality Rate (+40)

 % of Children Receiving Secondary Education (+70%)          % of Children Reciving  Secondary Education (-30%)

 No. of Cellular or Fixed-Line Phones PP (+50%)                  No. of Cellular or Fixed-Line Phones PP (-20%)

4) LEDC stands for "Less Economicly Developed Country" and MEDC stands for "More Economicly Devoloped Countrys".

5)1) There is no direct coilition between the 2 Figures

    2) The one figure is based on the development of medical infestructure in the country asswell as cultural/social standards, while the other is based on mainly the wealth of a country vs. the working population.

    3) Zambia, Swaziland, Mozambique, Lesotho and Angola have a high rate of infant mortality because of lack of medical infestructure and low African cultural standards of sexual intercoarse, resulting in the spread of many STD's, including mainly HIV/AIDS, one of the top agents resulting in death of humans.

    4) Subsistence farming is farming on a low-scale production, only intended to feed the workers that grew the crops, mostly by plowed, planted and harvested by hand.

    5)In order for subsistence farming to develop, it would have to be classified as commercal farming because the farmers must produce more crops than for just themselves, and then use the surplus to sell for cash, which can then be used for purchase of other items the farmers would have net have been able to make themselves.

6) Sustainable Development is Development fulled by something that will never run out or fail, which means that the area will continue to develop for at least 100 years before reasorses run out and depression sets in.

7)  a) End Extreme Poverty and Hunger

      b) Give Primary Education to all Children.

 c) Promote Equality between Men and Women, and to Empower Women in turn.

 d) Reduce Child Mortality

 e) Improve the health of Pregnant Mothers

 f) Fight major diseases, in particular HIV/AIDS and Malaria, the world’s most deadly disease.

 g) Insure a sustainable Environment

 h) Promote partnerships between governments, businesses and organizations to promote Development.

Thursday, 19 January 2012